Monday, November 13, 2006

The Teuton Emperor Part Three

The Teuton Prince saw his chance but he was more sensible than that. The Prince ordered his men to cut down trees and make trebutchaies (long ranged catapults). On the third day Paris was spotted they attacked with their trebutchaies. The Teutons didn't even need to go out of the forest to attack. The French had to go out of their castle to attack the trebutchaies, the Prince thought that they would come out. The Prince had all ready ordered that half of his army should go around the castle sneaking round the wall so they will be unseen. As soon as the French charged towards the Teutons the other Teutons went into the castle and occupied it. The French went into the forest not knowing that the rest of the Teuton army had all ready gone around them. The rest of the Teutons had gone into the castle. The Teuton General told the Prince that they had left their trebutchaies outside the castle walls. The French found that they had occupied the castles and left their trebutchaies outside. The French moved the trebutchaies to an attack position. The French loaded the trebitchaies. The catapults were ready to fire...

To be Continued

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