Monday, November 13, 2006

The Teuton Emperor Part Two

Then the battle begun. The Teutons slashed and slaughtered the French it was more of a massacre than a battle. The Teutons only lost a couple of men the French lost a thousand or more. The Teuton prince saw his chance. He and his Teuton knights went into France. His plan was to capture Paris and when the British arrive and in surprise the British will be massacred. The problem was that Paris was more than a hundred miles away, but the Teuton Prince was deturmined to teach the French a lesson. he had captured a few cannons to knock down the French Gate. They started their long journey to Paris. The Teutons went through a forest to avoid being detected, this slowed them down. They had to camp for the night in the forest. At dawn the teutons spoted some forest wardens. They surprised them and stoped them from giving away their position. The Teuton General told the Teuton Prince that Paris will know if their army is defeated unless they hear otherwise. The Teuton Prince replied that he had also sent a message to Paris saying that they were victorious. After their breakfast they did a detour in the forest to keep their element of surprise. A few days later, Paris was in sight...

To be Continued...

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