Tuesday, November 14, 2006

The Teuton Emperor Part Four

The French were ready to fire. The French fired at the Teutons with their own weapon. The Teuton Prince wasn't that stupid the trebutchaies were sabotaged and the trebutchaies just collapsed and killed half of their remaining army. The problem was that a letter adressed to the French that was in the castle said they would be ariving tommorow. The Teuton Prince thought that disguises would do the trick. Ontop of the Teuton armor were French uniforms, because when the British attack the Teutons they will still have their heavy armor. For a second resort the Teutons had the French King still in the castle walls as a hostage. At dawn the Teutons went to their guard and lookout positions to try and spot the British. When they were first spoted the Teutons were horrified. The British army was huge . The army had about three thousand longbowmen and about ten thousand men at arms. The Teuton Prince to Drastic action. The price ordered all of the knights to get crossbows and shoot down all of the British. The British saw the betrayal and they shot at the Teutons thinking they were French. The third of the Teutons princes battles had begun...

To be Continued...

Monday, November 13, 2006

The Teuton Emperor Part Three

The Teuton Prince saw his chance but he was more sensible than that. The Prince ordered his men to cut down trees and make trebutchaies (long ranged catapults). On the third day Paris was spotted they attacked with their trebutchaies. The Teutons didn't even need to go out of the forest to attack. The French had to go out of their castle to attack the trebutchaies, the Prince thought that they would come out. The Prince had all ready ordered that half of his army should go around the castle sneaking round the wall so they will be unseen. As soon as the French charged towards the Teutons the other Teutons went into the castle and occupied it. The French went into the forest not knowing that the rest of the Teuton army had all ready gone around them. The rest of the Teutons had gone into the castle. The Teuton General told the Prince that they had left their trebutchaies outside the castle walls. The French found that they had occupied the castles and left their trebutchaies outside. The French moved the trebutchaies to an attack position. The French loaded the trebitchaies. The catapults were ready to fire...

To be Continued

The Teuton Emperor Part Two

Then the battle begun. The Teutons slashed and slaughtered the French it was more of a massacre than a battle. The Teutons only lost a couple of men the French lost a thousand or more. The Teuton prince saw his chance. He and his Teuton knights went into France. His plan was to capture Paris and when the British arrive and in surprise the British will be massacred. The problem was that Paris was more than a hundred miles away, but the Teuton Prince was deturmined to teach the French a lesson. he had captured a few cannons to knock down the French Gate. They started their long journey to Paris. The Teutons went through a forest to avoid being detected, this slowed them down. They had to camp for the night in the forest. At dawn the teutons spoted some forest wardens. They surprised them and stoped them from giving away their position. The Teuton General told the Teuton Prince that Paris will know if their army is defeated unless they hear otherwise. The Teuton Prince replied that he had also sent a message to Paris saying that they were victorious. After their breakfast they did a detour in the forest to keep their element of surprise. A few days later, Paris was in sight...

To be Continued...

Sunday, November 12, 2006

The Teuton Emperor Part One

Once in the time of the middle ages there was a Teuton Prince. The Teuton prince was the best warrior in the known World. His Farther was getting old into his eightys so the prince ran the Empire. When he heard that the French had declared war on the empire he worried. The prince had so much land he could not spare soldiers to fight the French. The prince decided to go there himself and take as many soldiers as he can on the way. The Teuton also sent a message to the British to try to ally with them. The Prince found that the british were on the French's side. he worried even more. The French Gun powder and the British Longbows could finish him off. he called back to the far east for mercenarys. The price heard that the east didn't have any spare soldiers, they were fighting a war of their own. The Teutons went into their first battle with the French, but the British had not arrived in France yet. The Teuton had only 160 men while the French had 1300. The Teutons had the advantage of being on high ground, but they had no archers for it to be any use. The Teutons had the disadvantage of being slow because of their heavy armour. As soon as the French saw the Teutons they fired straight at them, but the Teuton armour was so heavy none of the bullets harmed them. The Teutons heared the shots and walked towards them, to save their enegy to fight them. The french used the tactic of putting the pikemen at the front and the archers and gunmen behind. The Teutons charged at them and the battle begun....

To be continued...